Discussion Blog

This blog has been set up to provide a forum to discuss the works included in Exit, Pursued by a Bear an exhibition put together by third year art students from IADT, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland.   Each post contains an image and statement from one of the participants.  Feel free to leave comments about the work.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jacinta Jardine Treasure Hunt

Title: Treasure Hunt
Medium: printed drawing, photography and installations using various materials

“Art’s true effort is to open to us dimensions of the spirit and of the self that normally lie smothered under the weight of living”

Jeanette Winterson

The weight of living has been a universal burden in recent years. Modern society has suffered mass disillusionment and art has diminished into the dense realm of sobriety; heavy with the strain of the world.

In my opinion this is an immense tragedy because art undeniably has the power to relieve this strain; it has the power to reinstate our faith in beauty and in life and in our world.

Through my work I endeavour to bring the concepts of beauty, magic, play and pleasure back into art; to create joyful experiences for the viewer which help to reassure them that despite all of life’s adversities, beauty still abounds.
With this “treasure hunt” piece the viewers use the special maps on their invitations or flyers to locate the gallery; but along the way there are little hidden scenes for them to discover; turning this normally mundane task into an adventure and showing that enchantment can be found even where it is least expected.

My intent is that the exploration induces a sense of childlike excitement and that the viewer’s imagination is stimulated so that they will go on to envisage their own little hidden worlds, and become more aware of beauty in their daily lives.

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