Untitled 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
6mm MDF, Acrylic, Gesso6ft x 4ft
My work at the moment is directly developed from my drawing work from the beginning of the year. My drawing work is mainly processed based and the same technique has been applied to my work now. I wanted to experiment with working in large scale, particularly with paint. My work is painted directly onto sheets of MDF. I have chosen to leave some of the wood exposed. I have used this to my advantage so that the wood in the painting would be just as important as the applied paint. The titles of the paintings originated from happenings or conversations around the time the paintings were created. Artist I have been researching during this time include Bridget Riley, Sol LeWitt, Victor Vasarely and Eamon O’ Kane.
For the future I want to increase the scale of the paintings and expand on techniques on how to display the work. I would like to incorporated more recognisable forms into the paintings.
Hi Duane, this piece is great, it has great depth. I cant wait to see it in real life. Good luck with the transportation on Tuesday. Love Margie.